

时 间:2019年6月19日(周三)16:00

地 点:JN体育·(江南)官方网站樱顶老图书馆

主讲人:何胜洋 美国科学院院士

题 目:“Disease-Climate-Microbiome” interactions in plant disease susceptibility


何胜洋院士是国际上植物病理学领域最顶尖的科学家之一,在植物病原菌致病机制和病原菌-寄主互作研究领域有多项开拓性发现。何胜洋教授分别于1982年、1985年获得浙江大学(原浙江农业大学)学士、硕士学位,1991年获美国康奈尔大学博士学位。1995年起在美国密歇根州立大学和美国能源部植物研究实验室任职,2011年起被聘为美国霍华德·休斯医学研究所研究员,2012年被选为美国科学促进会会员,2013年被评为密歇根州立大学杰出教授,2014-2016年任国际植物和微生物分子互作学会主席,2015年当选美国科学院院士。现任PNAS, Current Biology和Molecular Plant等著名学术期刊的编委。何胜洋院士的工作集中于研究病原菌的致病机制、以病原物分子为探针揭示植物中的重要免疫因子及生物学过程,以及环境因素及微生物群对植物致病的影响。目前在“Nature、Cell、Science、PNAS、Plant Cell”等国际权威期刊发表学术论文130余篇,已被引用20000余次,2014-2018年连续入选汤森路透全球高被引科学家。


Sheng Yang He is a University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University and an Investigator at Howard Hughes Medical institute. In the past two decades, Dr. He's lab has used the Arabidopsis thaliana-Pseudomonas syringae pathosystem to discover some of the basic principles that govern bacterial pathogenesis and disease susceptibility in plants. His lab also uses microbial pathogenesis as a probe to gain insights into important cellular processes in plant biology, including immunity, jasmonate signaling and stomatal defense. Recent research in his lab begins to shed light on how climate conditions and phyllosphere microbiota influence disease development. Dr. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Zhejiang (Agricultural) University, China, and a PhD degree from Cornell University, USA. He is a Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher (2014-2018), a Past-President of the International Society of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of the United States National Academy of Sciences.


时 间:2019年6月19日(周三)19:00

地 点:JN体育·(江南)官方网站樱顶老图书馆

主讲人:陈刚 美国工程院院士

题 目: MIT Educational Environment and Innovations


陈刚,1964年出生于湖北南漳,国际传热学的领军人物,美国国家工程院院士,台湾“中央研究院”院士,美国人文与科学院院士,麻省理工学院机械工程系讲席教授 。




Gang Chen is the Carl Richard Soderberg Professor of Power Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)。He served as the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT from 2013-2017 and director of the "Solid-State Solar-Thermal Energy Conversion Center (S3TEC Center)" - an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the US Department of Energy from 2009-2019. He obtained his PhD degree from the Mechanical Engineering Department, UC Berkeley. He was a faculty member at Duke University and UCLA, before joining MIT in 2001. He received an NSF Young Investigator Award, an R&D 100 award, an ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award and Frank Kreith Memorial Award, a Nukiyama Memorial Award by the Japan Heat Transfer Society, a World Technology Network Award in Energy, an Eringen Medal from the Society of Engineering Science, and the Capers and Marion McDonald Award for Excellences in Mentoring and Advising from MIT. He is a fellow of American Association for Advancement of Science, APS, ASME, and Guggenheim Foundation. He is a fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the US National Academy of Engineering.


时 间:2019年6月22日(周六)10:00

地 点:JN体育·(江南)官方网站樱顶老图书馆

主讲人:Takaaki Kajita (2015诺贝尔物理学奖获得者)

题 目:Researches in Kamioka -Neutrinos and Gravitational Waves



梶田隆章(Takaaki Kajita),目前为东京大学教授以及东京大学宇宙线研究所(ICRR)所长。




Takaaki Kajita is the Special University Professor at the University of Tokyo, and also the Director of the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research (ICRR) of the University of Tokyo. Kajita received his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo School of Science in 1986, and has been researching at Kamiokande and Super-Kamiokande detectors at the Kamioka Observatory in central Japan. In 1998, at the Neutrino International Conference held in Takayama, Gifu, he showed the analysis results which provided strong evidence for atmospheric neutrino oscillations.

In 2015 he shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for his role in discovering atmospheric neutrino oscillations. Currently, he is the project leader for KAGRA Project, aiming to explore the gravitational wave astronomy.

发布单位: 科学技术发展研究院

发布日期: 2019-06-17